If you need help navigating your Social Security benefits, you’re not alone. The paperwork involved, yearly changes, and COVID-related office closures can make it difficult to know where to turn. However, there are a few resources you can use for quick answers on Social Security-related issues.
A helpful resource for navigating Social Security is a My Social Security account. You can sign up online to manage your benefits, request a replacement card, change your address, and more. Especially in the event of limited hours or availability of local Social Security offices, this online resource can be invaluable.
Additionally, AARP offers a Social Security Resource Center where you’ll find information on everything relating to your benefits. From applying for Social Security and Medicare to getting copies of necessary forms, their easy-to-use guide will help you feel confident. You can even submit a question for an AARP Social Security expert to answer.
NORA is working on behalf of American retirees to boost Social Security benefits. The bill we’re supporting, The 3% Guaranteed COLA for Seniors Act, would ensure that beneficiaries receive a cost-of-living adjustment of at least 3% every year. Another way we’re trying to help seniors? We’re asking Congress to make this act retroactive to 2010. Social Security recipients would receive thousands in unpaid benefits. Make your voice heard in this important fight. Sign our online petition, then add us on Twitter and Facebook today!