How Seniors Can Stick to ‘New Year’s Intentions’

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Did you make a New Year’s resolution?

We’re over a month into 2022 — how are you feeling so far?

While the turning of one year to the next often warrants many resolutions for change, studies show these goals aren’t always followed through on. Some studies say they can last less than a month.

Have you kept yours? We previously talked about how making a “New Year’s Intention” is better than making a resolution. So how can you follow through on your intentions as our world keeps changing?

  1. First, make sure your goals and intentions are realistic. It helps to break down your aspirations into smaller steps that are more feasible and more achievable on a consistent basis.
  2. Second, try journaling. Writing out your efforts, accomplishments, and even struggles can help inspire you and give you momentum to excel.
  3. Lastly, try to get others involved. If your goal is one that will benefit you, your loved ones should be behind it, so make sure they know what you’re trying to do so they can support you.

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