COVID-19 Booster Shots On The Way? When 3rd Shots Might Be Available To Seniors

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COVID-19 booster shots

With the sudden spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19 this summer, many seniors began to wonder if booster shots would be on their way. Protection against COVID-19 from a full dosage of any of the available vaccines fades eventually. However, a booster shot or third shot could help. Currently, there is no FDA approval for COVID-19 booster shots, but the White House is targeting the third week of September to roll out plans for third shots.

Seniors will likely be front of the line for these booster shots. Adults over 65 were some of the first in line in early 2021, so they are likely at a point where they would benefit from increased immunity. According to AARP, boosters and third shots for immunocompromised individuals will be available at the same place where COVID-19 vaccines are currently given.

At NORA, we want to see seniors stay safe from the coronavirus. The vaccines are safe, effective, and the best way to stay protected. Learn more about our mission to improve Social Security and make seniors a priority for Washington politicians. And follow NORA on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.