While we’ve all been taught about the structure of Social Security and the purpose behind it, there remains a rather bleak outlook among a majority of Americans.
USA Today reports that nearly three-quarters of Americans believe the program isn’t reliable, and will be out of money when they need it.
Whether it’s because of mismanagement of this program alone or the financial state of the government and economy as a whole, it seems the prevailing opinion is that Social Security is in bad shape.
Though current taxes could account for a majority of the money the program needs, it’s the missing amount and the capacity of inflation to exacerbate this strain that has many people worried.
Are you among those who worry Social Security isn’t getting the attention it needs by lawmakers? Do you fear it won’t be there for those who have paid into it and propped it up for years?
If you answered yes, you’re just who NORA needs to help fight for Social Security COLAs every year! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about how you can help.