How Does Divorce Impact Social Security Benefits?

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How Does Divorce Impact Social Security?

Just because someone is entering retirement doesn’t mean that they won’t experience any life changes.

There are many aspects of a person’s life that can be altered drastically, even as they age into their later years. Divorce rates are getting higher among older adults, and this leaves many people wondering how divorce impacts Social Security benefits.

Some people can earn benefits based on their ex’s earning history. This isn’t applicable to all married couples — the marriage would need to have lasted at least a decade.

While divorce is never a pleasant situation to go through, it does help a person to know when they’re eligible for additional retirement benefits in this situation.

Whether you’re single, married, separated, or other, as a retiree you deserve the full value of your Social Security benefits. Learn more about how NORA fights for you here, then follow us on Facebook and Twitter to help support our mission for fair yearly COLAs.