The quality of your retirement depends on a number of factors, including your monthly income.
So how much income do you need in retirement to live comfortably and pursue your goals? Where you live and the type of activities you spend your time and money on both influence this total.
A recent survey showed that just over 21 percent of retirees spent between $20,000-$30,000 in retirement. Just over 18 percent spent between $10,000-$20,000. On the upper end, about 16 percent spent between $50,000-$75,000. These numbers show the diversity of location and lifestyle expenses for seniors in retirement.
The overall average from this survey pegs senior spending at right around $50,000 yearly. You can view the full breakdown on their page. Don’t forget that inflation may play a role in adjusting these numbers in the coming years. For our breakdown of how Social Security stands up to current costs of living, click here.
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