How Social Security and Housing Costs Stack Up Across the U.S.

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Retirement is a time when seniors may choose to enjoy some well-earned relaxation around the house. But does retirement income suffice in today’s housing market?

The relationship between retirement income and housing costs is complex. While Social Security hasn’t gone up enough in recent years despite record Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs), housing costs keep climbing.

Whether a retiree chooses to rent or own, the location they choose will have a massive impact on their retirement.

This informative piece from Yahoo Finance’s Patrick Villanova tells us that the Midwest is the best location for retirement from a value perspective. Retirement benefits in many of these cities nearly doubled housing costs.

But those who want to head for sunny California may struggle unless they have other retirement income — because the median housing cost is more than the average Social Security benefit.

How do Social Security and housing costs stack up where you’re from? Let us know in the comments, then follow NORA on Facebook and Twitter.