New Data Shows How Hard Living Off Just Social Security Is

  • Post category:News

As we’ve covered, living off just Social Security is technically possible. However, it all depends on your lifestyle.

Location plays a big role. If you live in a major city where living costs are at or above the national average, you may find your benefits fall short – or very short, depending on the city.

This data from the Daily Mail shows just how hard it is to live on benefit checks alone in some major U.S. cities.

Their list shows cities where Social Security wouldn’t last a married couple longer than 20 days. In fact, the city that claimed the number one spot is so pricey, Social Security benefits wouldn’t even last a full week!

Check out the chart and let us know your thoughts. Did your city make the list? Also, if you’re looking for locations where Social Security benefits DO cover living costs, we have a list of those, too.

If you’d like to make it easier to live on Social Security, sign our petition for higher benefits.
