WARNING: Social Security Trust Fund to be DRAINED Earlier Than Expected

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Social Security insolvency

New reports from AP/NPR indicate that Social Security, one of the most popular government programs in the U.S., could be closer to insolvency than previously realized. Earlier estimates projected that the program would not be able to pay benefits out of its trust fund in 2035. However, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted these estimates. Now, according to government officials, the program’s trust fund could dry up by 2034.

According to the Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, “The Biden-Harris administration is committed to safeguarding these programs and ensuring they continue to deliver economic security and health care to older Americans.” At NORA, we’re ready to see Washington put seniors first. Empty promises have kept retirees from receiving all of the benefits they’ve earned for years. Low or nonexistent COLAs make it difficult for seniors to live life to the fullest in retirement.

We’re calling on Congress to pass The COLA Act of 2021. While our nation’s politicians need to come together to create a long-term plan for Social Security, we believe that this act would offer immediate help to seniors. By guaranteeing a COLA every year, this act would boost benefits. We’re also calling on Congress to reimburse seniors for years of missed COLAs. Many retirees could receive thousands.

If you’re ready to join NORA’s mission, sign our online petition today. And follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates!