What Do You Think of These Potential Social Security Solutions?

  • Post category:Legislation

Given the problem of Social Security’s pending insolvency, the race for a solution is on.

There are plenty of theories and suggestions about how to preserve this program for future generations. There are a few potential options that have gained attention lately — and we want to know your thoughts on them.

Some people claim the income cap should be lifted, so those who make more money will contribute more to the future of retirement. Another idea is to change the eligibility age for future retirees, namely those born after 2007 and 2017.

While some who put this theory forward claim that early retirement options should still be available, they also usually suggest incentives to persuade people to take retirement later.

What do you think? Are these ideas effective solutions for Social Security? Are they fair? Share your thoughts, then follow NORA on Facebook and Twitter.