Why Retirees Should Stay Focused on the COLA Cause

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Why seniors should stay focused on getting a fair yearly COLA

Now that we’re a month into 2022, most people are settling into the year — even if some of the circumstances we face are quite unsettling.

There have been few times like this in recent history, if any, where so many major issues are impacting the world at once.

While it’s hard to focus on so many different factors that influence our lives, one thing retirees should pay close attention to is the passage of a fair yearly COLA.

Retirees should stay focused on this cause because a yearly COLA is helpful to them, and to all benefit recipients in general. However, some issues could be used to distract from the cause or even downplay seniors’ concerns about this program.

These Issues Matter, But Shouldn’t Make Us Forget the Cause

There’s no denying there are many serious matters being discussed by policymakers this year — and here’s how we can treat each one as serious without allowing the Social Security COLA conversation to be swept aside.

  • COVID: While the health and safety concerns the world faces are very real, the pandemic is no excuse to short seniors on the benefits they’ve earned and paid into for years. We can respect the seriousness of this disease while making sure seniors get back what they’ve put in to this program.
  • Politics: The tumultuous nature of politics elicits a different opinion from everyone. While we at NORA respect the beliefs of others, we take a non-partisan approach to our cause. No matter what person or party may be in power, the push for fair yearly COLAs must remain a top priority.
  • Inflation: As inflationary pressures continue to build, expect policymakers to discuss cuts to counter the financial losses of the economy. Those cuts may need to be made, but there’s no case to make them from a program that people have been paying into for years.

These are a few of the issues that need attention, but shouldn’t distract from the case for COLAs. What other issues do you think fall into this category?

No matter what’s going on in the world, NORA will continue to fight to ensure every senior gets a fair yearly COLA. Join us in our pursuit of this worthwhile cause by following us on Twitter and Facebook for more news.