Get Ready for Social Security Statements to Have a New Look

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Image via Pexels

Everyone needs a makeover every now and then.

With the seasons changing and the year about to do the same, even Social Security statements are getting in on the fad of rebirth.

The statements will debut a fresh look that is said to be shorter and more to-the-point both in visual design and language used. It will have accompanied fact sheets with more in-depth info about age and earning history. See the changes here for yourself at the official Social Security Administration website. Statements will be available in both online and mail formats.

At NORA, we focus on Social Security updates as well. Instead of how it looks, we’re focused on ensuring seniors receive the benefits they earned. Seniors deserve a fair COLA every single year and should be repaid for the years when there was no COLA. Learn more about our cause here, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more Social Security news.