Are You Eligible for Retroactive Social Security Benefits?

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Are You Eligible for Retroactive Benefits?

Did you know that you could be eligible for Social Security benefits even if you didn’t pay in?

Those who were married to a contributor and apply at the full retirement age could be eligible for retroactive benefits. Retroactive payments can be requested to reimburse you for months missed, up to a max of six.

This article by Marca sums it up nicely, and shows that this program could be waiting to reward many seniors even if they don’t realize they’re eligible. It’s all the more reason to research this program and make sure you’re getting all it has to offer.

We’re working to help you, and all retirees, get a higher Social Security benefit — sign our petition to guarantee fair yearly Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) for all retirees, then follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more Social Security content.