If You Worked in the Public Sector, This Could Impact Your Retirement

  • Post category:Legislation

Whether a person has worked in the private or public sector, retirement is something they look forward to.

But for the latter group, they may find that their benefits are much lower. Even if they’ve worked hard and earned ample credits to claim Social Security, their check is often far less than they expect.

Take this case, brought to us by CNBC. It details the life of a postal worker who found their Social Security check was half of what they expected. This is due to the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset, a rule we’ve covered before.

As it stands now, this rule limits the retirement a public sector worker can earn. But the American Postal Workers Union, among other groups, is aiming to have it repealed. We support a fair retirement for everyone, no matter the sector they’ve worked.

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