A Fairer COLA for Seniors

  • Post category:Legislation
COLA for Seniors

The National Organization of Retired Americans (NORA) advocates for a more fair COLA for seniors. That is, a realistic cost-of-living-adjustment for all Social Security beneficiaries.

The current 2021 COLA of just 1.3% falls behind the increasing cost of basic necessities. Food, healthcare, clothing, and other costs of basic necessities have risen at a far higher pace. Some seniors return to work just to make ends meet. NORA finds this treatment unacceptable.

So what is the Solution?

NORA proposes a COLA America’s seniors that they can depend on. That is at least a 3% annual increase that allows every senior to plan his or her future with confidence. The Guaranteed 3% COLA for Seniors Act is the answer. Congress must also compensate seniors for previous years of low and no COLA. For this reason, we campaign to make the legislation retroactive to 2010.

Help us make your voice heard! If you believe in fairer compensation for retired Americans, please tell Congress. It is as simple as signing our online Benefit Reimbursement Petition. Let your elected public servants know that retirees deserve to be reimbursed for years of unfair COLAs!

Help us spread the word for fair COLAs for seniors nationwide. Join us on Twitter and Facebook!