Does the Social Security COLA Reflect a True Cost of Living Increase?

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Does the Social Security COLA Reflect True Cost of Living Increases?

Congress approved a 1.3% cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) for 2021. On average, that means seniors will see about a $20 monthly increase. But does the Social Security COLA reflect a true cost of living increase?

In a word, No.

According to recent analysis posted on the Motley Fool website, a real world COLA adjustment would be $380 higher! Between 2000 and 2020, seniors have lost approximately 30% of their purchasing power. If it seems that your dollar doesn’t go as far today, it’s not your imagination. Social Security COLAs are not even close to keeping up with rising costs.

The National Organization of Retired Americans – NORA – is committed to fighting for the benefits you deserve! That is why we advocate for a permanent, 3% annual COLA increase in your benefits.

Furthermore, the increase must be retroactive to 2010. A retroactive increase compensates you for the low and missing COLAs you have endured.

Please consider signing our Benefit Reimbursement Petition to Congress. Let Congress know you will stand up to receive the benefits you have earned!

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