In retirement, keeping track of your spending is important. But have you set a retirement spending rate to make sure you’re spending the right amount?
Your retirement spending rate has to do with how much you spend each month compared to your income or savings. When you retired, you likely saw your expenses change, so a new budget is necessary. You might have lower housing costs, but more healthcare expenses. As you plan, check your expenses against your total income.
Read more about how much you should spend in retirement from CNBC’s recent article “How to Discover Your Best Spending Rate in Retirement.”
Learn more about NORA’s mission today. We’re committed to advocating for American retirees by asking Congress to pass important legislation. If you want to join us as we fight for seniors, sign our online petition today. We are pushing Congress to pass The Guaranteed 3% COLA for Seniors Act, which would ensure that seniors receive more of the benefits they’ve earned.
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