Paying Taxes on Social Security? Don’t Squander Your Benefits

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Social Security taxes states

As seniors reach retirement age, many look forward to finally receiving the Social Security benefits they’ve worked so hard to earn. However, their first benefits check might have a big surprise if they live in several states. Despite paying taxes on your income throughout your life, in certain states, Social Security beneficiaries will have their benefits taxed as well.

The Motley Fool reports that “taxes can take a chunk out of your benefits in retirement.” The easiest way to avoid having your benefits taxed? Moving to one of the 37 states that don’t tax benefits.

At NORA, we want seniors to get the most out of their benefits. That involves advocating for seniors to receive a fair cost-of-living adjustment every year. Join our fight against greedy Washington politicians today by signing our petition

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Were you suprised by taxes on your benefits when you retired? Let us know by sending us a message!