Is the 2023 COLA Crisis Actually an Opportunity in Disguise?

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Is the 2023 COLA Situation an Opportunity for Seniors?

The 2023 COLA has been talked about so much already, in both a positive and negative light — but some see potential setbacks as opportunities.

Seniors don’t need anyone to tell them how tough it is out there. The economy is in rough shape, with soaring debt and inflation driving the value of our currency down in the face of rising prices.

So what about 2023? Some sources say this COLA could be higher than the one from 2022. But will it be enough? And if it isn’t, what’s the next step seniors should take?

Could This Situation Get Seniors Motivated to Speak Out?

Some say it’s a cruel twist of fate. The highest COLA in decades is something that policymakers will no doubt brag about. And as we’ve stated before, it’s something seniors deserve.

However, a COLA that’s outpaced by inflation is dead on arrival in the economic sense. If the 2023 COLA is record-breaking but still falls short, what does it mean for the seniors across America who need a financial boost?

Seniors Need to Be Heard

With some estimates saying the current inflation rate is right on the heels of the projected 2023 COLA of 10.5 percent, it begs the question — how can seniors get what they need?

One way is to use this opportunity to make your voice heard. Current inflation continues to steal purchasing power from Social Security recipients, even with benefit adjustments. Now is the time for seniors to speak out, because the situation they face is unprecedented.

Will You Help Us Raise Awareness About the 2023 COLA?

The 2023 COLA is something every senior deserves. While it should be much higher to stand up to inflation, we can use this situation as an opportunity to make a point. Will you join in and make the voice of retirees too loud to ignore?

Here at NORA, we work to make yearly COLAs a reality for all retirees. Sign our petition here to support the cause. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more content like this.