Social Security Could Be Cut by $325 a Month

  • Post category:News

What could you do with $325 a month? How about with $4,000 a year?

When you look at Social Security benefit slashes that way, it’s clear just how much of an injustice they are. And these figures are not hypothetical. They’re official estimates from Social Security actuaries, who warn these cuts could come as soon as 2033.

For the seniors who have paid into this program for decades, their benefits should be going up, not down. After all, payments have not been fairly adjusted over the years.

If you want to help us stop these cuts from coming to pass. Sign our petition. Not only do we advocate for increased Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs), but we also advocate for reimbursement for years skipped. We’d greatly appreciate your signature and your continued readership to help us protect Social Security, and spread the word regarding its future.