How to Supplement Social Security

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Supplement Social Security

Many retired seniors feel the pinch caused by rising prices. Yet Social Security increases rarely cover even basic cost of living. This leaves many senior asking hard questions. For instance, “Is there a way to supplement Social Security income?”

Advice is free, so articles abound on how to supplement Social Security income. As an example, one such recent story provides 4 solutions to your budget crunch. But does this advice seem realistic? We found the suggestions range from “save more” to “get a job.” If it were only that easy. They even suggest renting out your home!

America’s retirees deserve better.

NORA advocates for a fair 3% cost-of-living-adjustment – or COLA – for all retirees. And with COLA’s low or missing COLAs over recent years, we believe the increase must be retroactive to 2010.

It’s up to Congress. But that means, it’s up to you.

Please sign our Benefit Reimbursement Petition to Congress. A better time to make your voice heard has never happened. Only with your help can we ensure fairer treatment for all of America’s retirees!

Help us in our campaign for fair compensation for America’s seniors. Follow us on Twitter and Facebookand to help share the message.