Read more about the article Is the 2023 COLA Crisis Actually an Opportunity in Disguise?
Is the 2023 COLA Situation an Opportunity for Seniors?

Is the 2023 COLA Crisis Actually an Opportunity in Disguise?

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Is the 2023 COLA Situation an Opportunity for Seniors? The 2023 COLA has been talked about so much already, in both a positive and negative light — but some see…

Read more about the article Disabled Man Struggles After Being Denied Social Security
Disabled Man Struggles Without Social Security

Disabled Man Struggles After Being Denied Social Security

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Disabled Man Struggles Without Social Security In a perfect world, Social Security would be there for everyone who needs it. However, we all know that this isn't the case. Sometimes…

Read more about the article Why Your Social Security Payment May Be Lower Than Expected
What Can Reduce Your Social Security Payment?

Why Your Social Security Payment May Be Lower Than Expected

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What Can Reduce Your Social Security Payment? Is your Social Security payment not as high as you thought it would be? This is the case for many people. It's also…

Read more about the article Social Security is Changing in 2023 – Are You Ready?
Changes Coming to Social Security in 2023

Social Security is Changing in 2023 – Are You Ready?

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Changes Coming to Social Security in 2023 They say the only thing constant in life is change, and this is definitely true with Social Security. The program is in a…

Read more about the article This Proves Social Security is a Priority to Retirees
Retirees Want Social Security to Be Prioritized

This Proves Social Security is a Priority to Retirees

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Retirees Want Social Security to Be Prioritized While there are plenty of issues in the world to be concerned about, some rank higher than others. Retirement is a topic that…

Read more about the article Social Security May Have Underpaid This Group by Millions
Some People Got Shorted on Social Security

Social Security May Have Underpaid This Group by Millions

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Some People Got Shorted on Social Security While we know that Social Security is designed for seniors in retirement, it also provides support to other groups of individuals as well.…