What Do You Think of This Quote from the Social Security Commissioner?

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Social Security Commissioner Speaks

Older Americans are making their voices heard — and now even the acting Social Security Commissioner is taking note of their efforts.

Over the past year, readers of publications like NORA and members of other groups have been vocal about retirement needs. Given our strained economy, seniors should be a priority — especially since they’ve paid into programs like Social Security for years.

It’s good to know that our politicians and policymakers have finally been listening, but what exactly is their response? What does it mean for the future of retirement in America?

The Social Security Commissioner Speaks Out

Here’s the quote from acting Social Security Commissioner Kilolo Kijakazi, per The Motley Fool:

“Medicare premiums are going down and Social Security benefits are going up in 2023, which will give seniors more peace of mind and breathing room. This year’s substantial Social Security cost-of-living adjustment is the first time in over a decade that Medicare premiums are not rising and shows that we can provide more support to older Americans who count on the benefits they have earned.”

Kilolo Kijakazi

We recently covered this rare case of both events coming together for the betterment of seniors. Is the commissioner right in saying that more support for seniors is on the way?

In some ways, these could be signs that senior support is heading in the right direction. However, seniors must make their voices heard in order to keep the momentum going.

Will You Help Us Make Sure Seniors Are Supported?

While the recent Cost-of-Living-Adjustment (COLA) was good, it’s not enough. These increases should be yearly, as seniors deserve every penny they’ve paid in adjusted for inflation.

But the only way we can make this so is to continue making our voices heard — can we count on your help?

Sign our petition for fair yearly COLAs here, then follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more content like this!