Read more about the article How to Live Off Just Your Social Security Payment
How to Make Social Security Payments Go Further

How to Live Off Just Your Social Security Payment

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How to Make Social Security Payments Go Further When it comes to Social Security payments, most people recognize them as supplementary to retirement income. Some people use side hustling, savings,…

Read more about the article Congress Wants to Reduce Social Security Support Delays
Is More Social Security Support Coming Soon?

Congress Wants to Reduce Social Security Support Delays

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Is More Social Security Support Coming Soon? Social Security is a massive program with many moving parts — and the ultimate goal is to get those parts to come together…

Read more about the article Which States Get the Most Social Security Benefits?
Which States Get the Most Social Security?

Which States Get the Most Social Security Benefits?

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Which States Get the Most Social Security? Whether you live along the Eastern coastline, in the plains of the Midwest, or at the foot of the Rockies, one thing unites…

Read more about the article Are You Eligible for Retroactive Social Security Benefits?
Are You Eligible for Retroactive Benefits?

Are You Eligible for Retroactive Social Security Benefits?

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Are You Eligible for Retroactive Benefits? Did you know that you could be eligible for Social Security benefits even if you didn't pay in? Those who were married to a…

Read more about the article Seniors Should Spread the Word About Social Security COLAs
Social Security is a Crucial Topic

Seniors Should Spread the Word About Social Security COLAs

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Social Security is a Crucial Topic It was Oscar Wilde who said that "...the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation..." Who doesn't love a…

Read more about the article The Benefit of Claiming Social Security ASAP
Should You Take Social Security Early?

The Benefit of Claiming Social Security ASAP

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Should You Take Social Security Early? As we've mentioned before here at NORA, the age you choose to take Social Security can impact your experience with the program. Waiting to…

Read more about the article Here’s Why Social Security COLAs are a Family Matter
Your COLA Can Help Your Family

Here’s Why Social Security COLAs are a Family Matter

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Your COLA Can Help Your Family One of the best things about retirement is you have a chance to spend more time with the people who matter most. Social Security…

Read more about the article Are You Really Getting All Social Security Has to Offer?
Are You Getting the Most from Social Security?

Are You Really Getting All Social Security Has to Offer?

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Are You Getting the Most from Social Security? Many seniors feel that as long as they get their Social Security check, all is well in terms of this program. However,…

Read more about the article Don’t Forget This Important Part of Retirement Planning
Tips for Retirement Planning

Don’t Forget This Important Part of Retirement Planning

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Tips for Retirement Planning The ancient Roman Stoic Seneca is famous for saying "As long as you live, keep learning how to live." Even if you've already entered retirement or…