These Are the Top Questions About the Social Security Trust Fund


No matter your age, the Social Security Trust Fund is a topic you should be interested in.

It’s something everyone who receives Social Security will eventually rely on. But there are some uncertainties surrounding it, as we’ve previously covered.

There are many questions, but the top ones are as follows. When will the fund run out of money, and how short will it be leading up to the years before insolvency?

There are also questions about what the problem means for beneficiaries both current and future. Arguably the most important questions pertain to what we can do to fix this problem, and how soon can we get to the solution?

We here at NORA fight for seniors on the legislative floor. We’re already working hard with the help of our great supporters to safeguard Social Security’s future. For more about our efforts and more news like this, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.