These Retirees Are Losing Social Security Benefits

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Are Some Retirees Missing Out?

Since virtually all taxpayers are required to pay for Social Security benefits, it’s only natural every retiree would want to maximize their returns.

However, some evidence points to one group of retirees missing out on up to $25,000 in their lifetime!

Could you be losing out?

That depends on if you’ve used the Government Pension Offset (GPO) provision to earn a pension instead of Social Security, or if you were married to someone who has. Those who claimed spousal or survival benefits in a household where this provision was present may be getting less than they actually deserve. You can learn more here where Brenton Smith explains this in detail.

Even if you don’t fall into this category, you could be missing out on Social Security benefits if you don’t get a yearly Cost-of-Living-Adjustment (COLA). Help us fight for the cause by signing our petition and by following us on Facebook and Twitter.