“Did I send that bill?” “Have I responded to that email?” “Did I schedule that appointment?”
When you’ve got a lot of tasks to do, it’s easy to overlook certain things. Sometimes this is true for the big obligations in life as well. Even something like retirement planning, which can span decades, has a way of sneaking up on us.
Many people find their retirement planning is lagging behind as retirement age approaches quickly. But there are reasons not to sweat it.
The first is that worrying in itself won’t fix anything. Yes, it’s scary to think about running low on resources in retirement. But the first step to figuring out a solution is cultivating a clear mind.
The second reason you shouldn’t worry is because you aren’t alone. Not only does this mean that millions of people are behind, but it means that all of us are united toward a common goal. When we work together, we can make fair yearly Cost-of-Living-Adjustments (COLAs) a reality for all Social Security recipients.
Maybe once benefits are adjusted for inflation, you won’t be as behind as you think you are. Learn all about our cause here, then follow us on Facebook and Twitter for weekly content retirees can use.