Will Student Loan Forgiveness Impact Social Security COLAs?

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Will Student Loan Forgiveness Impact Social Security?

Student loan forgiveness is one of today’s top trending topics — and it isn’t just borrowers who are invested.

We know that education is for people of all ages. It’s common for young and middle-aged adults alike to pursue degrees. While Social Security recipients don’t attend university at nearly as high a rate, this topic still matters to them.

When it comes to funds for programs, we all drink from the same well, so to speak. How will student loan forgiveness impact other important areas like Social Security?

How Student Loan Forgiveness Influences the Economy and Social Security

Let’s say your college days are decades behind you as a senior. Let’s also assume you’re not having to help your kids or their kids with student loan payments at the moment. Is this topic really important to you?

The answer is yes. Didn’t go to college? Paid off your own loans? You’re still affected. And while we at NORA realize there are many interesting opinions about this move and how it will be covered, our sole focus is to discuss how it connects to the Social Security (COLAs) all retirees have earned.

Whether this move causes more inflation, spending cuts, or a combination of both, it cannot be used as a reason to cut Social Security. Whether it will depends on both the actions of policymakers and the actions of those who believe in the right to fair yearly COLAs.

Help Us Campaign for the COLAs Retirees Deserve

It’s one thing to advocate that those under financial stress get help or forgiveness. But COLAs are a matter of fairness in the legal and moral sense. Seniors have paid in. No matter what bills come due in D.C., Social Security must remain a priority.

Sign our petition for yearly COLAs and reimbursement for years skipped here. You can also get more retirement-related content by following us on Facebook and Twitter.