Social Security COLAs Shouldn’t be the Scapegoat for Inflation

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Social Security COLAs Didn’t Cause Inflation

The news of record inflation continues to make headlines, with economists from various backgrounds weighing in about the situation.

There’s a wide variety of opinions about the causes of the problem, predictions about how long it will last, and projections on how bad it could get.

Here at NORA, we’re non-partisan, so we wouldn’t push any one theory about why inflation is hitting record highs, nor are we leaning to either side of the line in the fight against it.

We’re not advocates for anyone in Washington or any specific school of economic thought — but we are advocates for retirees getting the benefits they deserve! That’s why we’re speaking up clearly about one important matter — Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) shouldn’t be the scapegoat for rising prices and the dollar’s dwindling value.

Social Security COLAs Can’t Be the Cause of Inflation

Seniors Have Earned Their COLAs

It’s a tough time today, with economic uncertainty here at home and international tensions rising around the world. It’s easy to point fingers, but sometimes people find they’re being gaslighted for being concerned about their wellbeing.

When economic concerns about the impacts of shutdowns were brought up, people were accused of not taking health issues seriously. When rising gas prices are discussed in the context of their impact on the poor and middle class, some people are accused of not being thankful for the blessings we have here in comparison to the rest of the world.

It’s only a matter of time before seniors who are campaigning for fair yearly Social Security COLAs are accused of taking the inflationary situation lightly.

“Is it right to be worried about my Social Security benefits with so much going on around me?”

Some may say boosting benefits would worsen the situation, and that retirees should take a loss on this one. But remember — Social Security is a program that seniors have already paid into.

It makes no sense to say that these adjustments are causing inflation, nor does it make sense to say that asking for what is rightfully ours is selfish. In fact, COLAs make economic and moral sense regardless of the state of the economy.

Even though the economy may be in a tough spot, that’s no reason to shortchange seniors on their Social Security benefits. It’s why we’re continuing to campaign for fair yearly COLAs — follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with the cause.