Which Potential Price Increases Concern Retirees the Most?

  • Post category:News
food on shelves
Image via Pexels

The talk of inflation is all over the news, and we have no choice but to buckle down and get ready for the rise in prices.

Plenty of different sectors will be impacted by this rise in prices. From the basics like food at the grocery store or the restaurant to travel expenses like cars and gas, all sorts of prices are poised to rise.

While certain costs may not impact seniors directly, like rising prices for games and toys, these can come into play when you go to buy gifts for your grandchildren.

Even if you plan on moving to an area where costs of living are lower, housing prices are going up too.

Which cost increases concern you the most and why? Share your opinion with us today.

While we can’t bring prices down, we can fight to make sure seniors see a fair benefit increase each year to combat inflation — follow NORA on Facebook and Twitter for more news about us and our cause.