Did This ‘Anti-Fraud’ Social Security Program Actually Prey on Poor and Disabled People?

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Is This Program Preying on the Poor and Disabled?

In a big program like Social Security, it’s natural that mistakes will be made. Unfortunately, it’s also expected that some people would try to game the system.

But could the protections put in place to prevent Social Security fraud actually be used to prey on misfortunate individuals who made simple oversights?

One program has been criticized for levying exorbitant fees on poor, elderly, and disabled individuals over what seems like simple slip-ups. Some say the punishments here far exceed the crimes.

In determining the consequences for the errors made, those behind this program didn’t seem to consider the accused’s understanding of the program, their level of remorse for their mistakes, or even their ability to actually pay their fine – in some cases, the accused may never be able to pay it off.

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