Maximizing Social Security Benefits

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seniors and social security

Did you know that the majority of American seniors rely on Social Security benefits for more than 50% of their income? With Social Security playing such a large financial role in the lives of retirees, getting the most out of these benefits is vital. Navigating Social Security can be complicated. However, seniors deserve the benefits they’ve worked hard for.

Kiplinger recently published an article outlining several ways that Social Security beneficiaries can maximize their benefits. Several factors can impact the amount you receive, from when you begin to claim benefits to your marital status. Additionally, if you claim benefits early and continue to work, you could forfeit some of your benefits.

COLAs and Social Security Benefits

In this article, the author also notes that cost-of-living adjustments could impact how much seniors receive. These increases are supposed to reflect inflation as well as higher living expenses. 

And while some forecast the COLA for 2022 to be 3%, there’s no guarantee that this will be the case or that this increase would set the bar for years to come. Out of the last 10 years, only in 2012 was the COLA over 3%. However, NORA is working to urge Congress to make COLAs larger and fairer for American seniors.

How NORA Is Advocating for Seniors

Our retirees should receive everything they’ve earned. Learn more about how to maximize your benefits. Then, join NORA in advocating for a fairer COLA for Social Security beneficiaries. 

Sign our petition to pass the Guaranteed 3% COLA for Seniors Act. Our Benefit Reimbursement Petition not only asks Congress to pass this act but to make it retroactive to 2010. This means recipients could receive up to $10,970 in benefits that they deserve.

Stay up to date with the latest news for seniors. Connect with NORA on Twitter and Facebook today and let us know what a higher COLA would mean for you!