Is Moving the Key to a Better Retirement Life in 2022?

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Why Are So Many Retirees Moving?

Many retirees are in a unique place financially. Their big expenses are covered, so now it’s just about making the right moves to get as much out of retirement life as possible.

So why not make a move to a new place in the literal sense, if such a move could help them save money?

Even though travel costs like gas are rising, many seniors realize they’ll come out ahead. Some move to new regions to support retirement life, because households in the south and midwest for example tend to have fewer expenses.

There’s also the matter that many states don’t tax Social Security benefits, which means retirees can keep even more of their hard-earned money.

We’re committed to making sure you get everything out of Social Security no matter where you live. NORA is here for retirees all across the nation, and even those who are decades away from retirement. We welcome everyone to sign our petition for fair yearly Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs), and to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more news.