3 Simple Tips Seniors Can Use to Offset Inflation
How Seniors Can Respond to Inflation A wise man once said we don't have control of external events, only how we react to them. The current state of the economy…
How Seniors Can Respond to Inflation A wise man once said we don't have control of external events, only how we react to them. The current state of the economy…
Are You Getting the Max Social Security Benefit? Marriage is a partnership, and when you build a life together it's no surprise that your retirements are connected in some way.…
Image via Pexels The talk of inflation is all over the news, and we have no choice but to buckle down and get ready for the rise in prices. Plenty…
Social Security COLAs Didn't Cause Inflation The news of record inflation continues to make headlines, with economists from various backgrounds weighing in about the situation. There's a wide variety of…
What's the Future of Social Security? It's a topic that connects everyone in the country, whether they're retired or looking forward to it. Social Security is a program we're taught…
A landmark piece of legislation could improve retirement for millions of seniors. Passing The COLA Act of 2021 is a necessity.
With a high COLA projected for 2022, seniors could see their benefits stretch more than ever in a few key areas.
A fair COLA for seniors is worth fighting for. Yearly benefit increases are what retirees deserve—find out how to advocate for them today.
The index that has led to a high COLA for seniors in 2022 could also be flawed. Is change needed?
Financial insecurity impacts millions of seniors in the United States. The government needs to pass a bill that would help relieve economic worries.