Social Security Payment Errors Top $1.1 Billion

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In what’s being called a record-breaking backlog, Social Security payment errors have topped $1.1 billion.

This problem has been going on for years, and now the cumulative results are too severe to ignore. However, this isn’t to say the Social Security Administration (SSA) hasn’t taken action.

As we’ve discussed, these overpayment problems (as well as underpayment problems) have made headlines. The result has been tragedy for some, relief for others, and an ongoing effort to fix these issues once and for all.

How Social Security Payment Errors Hurt Seniors

When the SSA overpays benefit recipients, said recipients are still responsible for paying the money back. This is true even if they were never aware of the error initially.

The result can be financial ruin. Take this case of a widow, who was in danger of losing her benefits. Seniors have faced situations that drained their savings, and even caused them to face homelessness.

While these situations are inexcusable, the SSA has not been inattentive to these problems. Take this case, of a man who had his entire overpayment issue corrected. This proves that progress is being made.

In addition, the agency’s new commissioner capped repayments at 10 percent of benefits. But how about stopping the problem before it starts? Efforts have been made here too, with improved payroll reporting being suggested to stop Social Security payment errors altogether.

Some say more SSA funding and staffing support is needed to get through this billion-dollar backlog. What are your thoughts on this matter? Let us know in the comments.
