The Majority of Americans Doubt They’ll Receive Social Security — Do You?

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It’s a bleak outlook, but it’s also a majority consensus — do you share in it?

About 7 of 10 Americans doubt they’ll get their full Social Security benefits. This troubling thought comes at a time when the economy is already in a tough spot.

With prices rising, savings dwindling in value, and a recession looming, it’s a tough time even if you have a stable retirement. But what happens if you don’t?

Some seniors may consider working longer if possible, while others may supplement their benefits with side hustles. Either way, it’s good to have a backup plan.

Do you believe you’ll get full benefits? Remember, we’re working to ensure a secure retirement for America’s seniors by urging Congress to pass legislation that guarantees a fair COLA. Join our fight, then follow us on Facebook and Twitter.