In a massive bureaucracy, delays and problems are to be expected sometimes. But Social Security support is struggling to the point that it’s becoming dangerous.
The term “danger” can mean many things. Major mistakes like listing people as deceased can mess up their lives. Stopping benefits for any reason poses a risk to the health and living standards of a beneficiary.
But the long lines at many field offices are presenting more than just an annoyance. They’re causing people to stand outside in the heat for far too long. Many leaders are calling for change to improve safety standards.
Some offices urge people to use online options, but these can sometimes be insufficient for getting questions answered. More support workers would help reduce wait times and lines. For those areas where long lines are unavoidable, adding shade, benches, and water fountains could help.
We’ll keep you updated on the state of Social Security support in 2022 — follow NORA on Facebook and Twitter for more news.