The Good and Bad News About the 2023 COLA

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The Good and Bad About the 2023 COLA

Have you heard about the 2023 COLA? Like most things in life, it’s a mix of good and bad.

People who have made it to retirement age know all about this game of give and take in our journey of existence. But those who want this to be the best time of their life have the challenge of facing the 2022 economy.

It’s a tough time, even for those who have been financially responsible. The projected 2023 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) is another welcomed raise. But we at NORA bring a harsh dose of realism to balance out this joyous moment. It comes in the form of a reminder that this current COLA may not be enough.

Seniors Should be Happy, But Not Content with the 2023 COLA

The Current Economy is Challenging for Seniors

As an organization that fights for retirees to enjoy fair yearly COLAs adjusted for inflation, it’s admittedly good to hear that next year’s boost could land in the 8 percent range.

Some people would say that seniors should be happy with this increase, especially in such a tough time. But Social Security isn’t a gift or a handout. Taxpayers have sustained this program for years. They were there for it. Now it should be there for them.

Continuing inflation means the 2023 COLA should be boosted even more if it hopes to make a major difference for the average senior. It’s not that this record jump isn’t a step in the right direction, but it’s just one step on a long trip.

Will You Help Us Make Sure the COLA Keeps Climbing?

There’s still time to make our voices heard and make sure the COLA for next year is higher than what’s currently in discussion. It’s a worthy cause — and more importantly, it’s a vital cause for the well-being of America’s retirees.

Let’s ensure inflation doesn’t steal away the Social Security retirees have earned — sign our petition then follow us on Facebook and Twitter today.